Posts tagged oracle bones

I lost all my baby teeth

Fangs grew in their place 

And you're bound to get some cavities

If you keep chewing bubblegum that way

You've got a big ole bag of treats

To cure your every ailment 

You'll go 'round this Halloween

Like a door-to-door karma salesman

But I don’t buy candy

‘Cause I know life ain’t that sweet

You wet the bed, oh, because you dreamt

Someone didn’t approve of you

Careful there, oh, don’t you dare poke

Holes out for your ghost costume

Clean your dirty laundry

If you want any candy

Oh god, you’ve learned

Some naughty words

Where did you hear that from? 

You're gonna lose

Your last sweet tooth

With that acid tongue

The Horror!

I’m gonna slaughter you, 

Ax-murder you with kindness

You want a chainsaw massacre,

I’ll redefine it

And your night terrors are 

My most prophetic dreams

So say your prayers because

They baptized me on Halloween

The horror!

The blood, sweat, tears, and gore

The disorder

The pornographic torture

I’m burying the hatchet in your coffin

It’s haunt or be haunted

There’s no padded cell,

This is a private hell with edges

I am the jury, judge,

And the warden of your sentence

I warned you to stop this 

But you wouldn’t let me be

So this concoction’s based on 

Your old recipe 

Oh no, I’m digging a hole

But I’ve only scratched the surface

I’ve got words like shovels 

And I don’t mind dirt, bitch 

Oracle Bones

Your palms could read the same as mine

I could help you wash the dirt from the plot lines

But you hold grudges by the fistful 

From smudges on a crystal ball

Your palms could read the same as mine

And I'll carve my own 

Oracle bones, oracle bones

You're cursing at the sky

You show no gratitude for stars that won't align

Demanding an apology 

Of horoscopic prophecies

You're cursing at the sky

Rabbit, you gotta run, run, run

Find shelter, quick, before the hunter comes

Get on your soft and steady feet

They're selling as commodities

Rabbit, you gotta run


You were born with +10 luck

As for me, baby, I’m fucked

But the universe, she bowed and curtsied

On the day that first we fell in love

If I am, in fact, damned

It’s not that bad, your hand in my hand

And if I were surely cursed

I’d still take you for the worst

Our path is paved with cracks

And it’s too much to ask

For you to carry my ill-fated ass

Through hell and back

While I'm staring at my feet

I can feel you watching me

But I've learned the hard way

To fear the very ground beneath me

This moment is too opportune 

I can’t assume I’m truly doomed

Welcome to my infernal life

You will my stars to align

Nevertheless, I think, yes, 

I might be blessed

Till Death

Darling, would you meet me

Down at the cemetery

In the shadow of the chapel

Where we are to marry? 

I don't know a single soul

I think they're long forgotten 

They echo through catacombs 

If you know how to listen

He said, "I wanna be buried

Side by side"

He wants to hold my hand

Through the afterlife

But I shall remain

Where my name's engraved

No bricks I've laid

In some surreal estate

So when they make my grave

Don't get a neighboring space

Lay me to rest, my love

And save your best black tux

When they dig my hole

Take the long way home to me

When they make my bed

Don't you lay in it