Posts tagged 04. Charmed

You were born with +10 luck

As for me, baby, I’m fucked

But the universe, she bowed and curtsied

On the day that first we fell in love

If I am, in fact, damned

It’s not that bad, your hand in my hand

And if I were surely cursed

I’d still take you for the worst

Our path is paved with cracks

And it’s too much to ask

For you to carry my ill-fated ass

Through hell and back

While I'm staring at my feet

I can feel you watching me

But I've learned the hard way

To fear the very ground beneath me

This moment is too opportune 

I can’t assume I’m truly doomed

Welcome to my infernal life

You will my stars to align

Nevertheless, I think, yes, 

I might be blessed