Posts tagged 02. The Horror!
The Horror!

I’m gonna slaughter you, 

Ax-murder you with kindness

You want a chainsaw massacre,

I’ll redefine it

And your night terrors are 

My most prophetic dreams

So say your prayers because

They baptized me on Halloween

The horror!

The blood, sweat, tears, and gore

The disorder

The pornographic torture

I’m burying the hatchet in your coffin

It’s haunt or be haunted

There’s no padded cell,

This is a private hell with edges

I am the jury, judge,

And the warden of your sentence

I warned you to stop this 

But you wouldn’t let me be

So this concoction’s based on 

Your old recipe 

Oh no, I’m digging a hole

But I’ve only scratched the surface

I’ve got words like shovels 

And I don’t mind dirt, bitch